
Sales Accelerators

Outsource Clearing House provides our clients with a wide range of tools and resources to help them better serve their clients, which include the following:

Customized Sales Support

Financial products often intimidate consumers due to their complexities. At Outsource Clearing House, our years of experience and expertise in product development allow us to assess the cost, strengths, features and benefits of an array of financial products and services so as to guide our clients in matching them with their clients’ specific needs. We have the experience and expertise to help you: • Analyze your clients’ requirements • Recommend intelligent tailored solutions • Create multipurpose marketing and sales material • Assist with contracting paperwork and applications

Customized Marketing Support

The Outsource Clearing House team has the talent and tools to develop bespoke marketing campaigns to amplify your stream of prospects. We also provide lead-generation campaigns, based on a plethora of different lines of communication, including but not limited to: telemarketing, direct mail, seminars and appointment-setting.

Comprehensive M&A Support

Outsource Clearing House is able to accelerate the turnaround time for complex M&A transactions. We assist M&A clients by facilitating B2C interactions and making sure of:
  • Completeness: If those involved in the M&A transaction need additional information, we’ll obtain it through direct communication and provide it to the appropriate source
  • Expedient Processing: We monitor each case to ensure all aspects of the deal run smoothly and all parties are satisfied with the result.
  • Suitability: If any questions arise regarding case structure, we’ll provide all of the necessary information to the transacting parties.
Outsource Clearing House‘s mission is to verify all facets of the deal, outline the deal structure and facilitate the smooth completion of the deal in a timely manner. If any issues arise, Outsource Clearing House will identify and bring to resolution all relevant concerns. The primary goal of Outsource Clearing House’s back-office support, is to provide our clients with the rarest of all workplace luxuries: time.